A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Finding And Seeing Of The Faded

I don't like to place too much emphasis on animals. I never want to take away from the value of human life, but I believe pets do have a place in our lives........I believe they are here for the teaching.....the teaching of one of life's most precious lessons.

They say that when a dog knows that it's dying, it will go off on it's own, all alone to fade away. That's what Josey did, Our family dog. Just two weeks ago she wandered off to slip away. My Gentle Giant found her. He found her lifeless in a pile of leaves near the edge of the woods.

He brought her home so we all could say goodbye. There is just something about seeing the end of life. Seeing prepares the heart for the letting go of.......we said our goodbyes each of us in our own way. Gentle Giant, he was quiet. Little man, just looked nervously on. Butterfly girl, she cried quiet tears for a week sraight in the darkness of her room. Sunshine girl kept her feelings inside. And Mama, well the tears didn't find me until I saw those big ole brown eyes that had stayed open with her last breath.

So we made plans, Daddy asked "where would you all like to put her?" They all agreed that Josey should be put to rest out beyond the the swing set where she use to watch them play. They made a cross and ever so carefully painted her name in left over model paint from an old project that was never finished. The little ones laid flowers on her grave, They colored her white cross with their crayons. All of this....All of the little things had helped them to say goodbye. It helped ease their pain.

And her death has opened up a whole new world of questions that needed desperate answers. And Johnny and I, we were there to answer. We were there to hold and to hug the hurt away.

Sounds kind of similar to our letting go doesn't it? The finding and seeing of the faded. The planning and preparing for the one who has slipped away. The saying good bye.........

My Daddy, he doesn't like to say goodbye. he says "so long for now." Because he knows that no matter what happens we will see eachother again. We know What comes next. He knows what His Ending will be. It's by the GRACE of God we are saved. We have made our plans, made our reservations. We are preapared for the letting go of.........

Is there a difference between that of an animal death and a human death?  We are certain there is a forever, an eternal spring of life for us .........If we accept it. And Jesus Came to save the souls of men, not animals. To my knowledge there is no reference in the bible that states animals have a soul. But, my little man, he has told me that he would like to believe that Josey is in a better place, And for right now that's ok with me. I don't have an answer to that question And their questions need answers and I'm still deep in research, deep in His word so that  maybe someday I will be able to answer that question.

166. Eternal spring Of Life
167. A Whole New World Of Questions
168. Being able to Answer Those Questions
169. Life's Lessons
170. The Gift Of Grace
171. White Crosses with Crayon Markings
172. Great Pets
173. Tears that need to flow
174. Searching His word for Answers

holy experience

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