A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Teething Nummy

It's hard to go about life and manage a home when you have a miserable teething baby. Yep that was me a couple of days ago. Little Zoey was anything but easy to comfort. I had nothing to give her. I thought about the oils but in all honesty I thought they would be too strong or hot for her......And yes when you are lacking sleep and your brain is fuzzy you forget about things like dilution and coconut oil to make things more palatable for little ones.

So on day three of all the fuzzy, miserable teething, craziness, it dawned on me that I should make my own teething nummy. ( I call it "teething nummy" because I can't think of anything else to call it, and plus I like it!) First I have to back track. I was desperate to relieve her and I of all this stress brought on by her toofers that I took some peppermint oil and put one drop on my finger and then rubbed it on her gums....

Her first reaction was a little worrisome because when I first applied it she breathed in and sucked in the menthol and it slightly took her breath away. So after her being surprised and a little upset there was complete silence not because she was knocked unconscious by the menthol, but because it relieved her from the pain. Now I must tell you that it was amazing because for 3 whole days she would not sleep unless she was in my arms and for the first time she was sleeping like a , you guessed it...She was sleeping like a baby!

Well now I knew I was onto something and I knew I must do this again, but not straight peppermint oil. Ya' all are probably thinking what a knuckle head I was to do that....But I was desperate!!! *Smile* And it worked so quit judging! And it's better than the chemical laden OTC stuff!

Any way So I figured out that I needed to dilute it (this was after the fog started to clear from my no sleep fuzzy brain) I was thinking Coconut oil, but what to put with it? My niece came over and mentioned she saw something on one of the bogs she follows so I looked it up. And this lady used coco butter and clove oil. Well you know I have to be different! I'm not really normal that way....They use to call it rebellion when I was growing up. Now at 42 I wouldn't call it rebellion, I just like to be abnormal. Cookie cutters that are all the same really bother me. I like variety. Change is good!...ANYWAY..........

Here is my abnormal version of my very own Teething Nummy:

1/4 Cup Coconut oil
1/4 Cup Coco Butter (Food Grade)
12 drops Clove oil
12 drops Peppermint oil

Put the Coconut oil and the coco Butter in a small sauce pan over low heat until melted. Take off the burner and add your oils. Gently stir and pour into a jar. Put it in your fridge and it will set up. After it has set up completely, pull it out of the fridge and it will turn into a cream like substance.  The smell is AMAZING!  Smells like a Peppermint Patty and really there is no taste to it! Perfectly, Naturally, Abnormally, Delightful! 

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