A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Monday, November 12, 2012

Even In The Bitter Cold

How do we live this life when life happens in ways you never thought it would? When people change into people they were never meant to be.......How do you make one see how one is living (or not living) effects those that love them passionately.

When all the pain of this life settles into the bones of one who has lost hope.......And no amount of convincing and begging can bring one around....What do you do then?

When praying seems pointless and you can't see a flicker of light in the eyes that once sparkled with meaning and purpose....... Do you keep praying the same prayer? Do the words fall in silence just as Autumn's leaves fall into a blanket on the forest floor? And yet to bring about change He sends the first frost...the first bitter cold.

I'm praying, I will always keep praying, even in the bitter cold.

Praying this bitter frost will bring about change.......

I hear it in my soul, If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

My heart's prayer is that the new things are allowed to come....Even through the bitter cold and no matter how much it can make one numb; This promise, this covenant clings tight to the soul of the broken hearted, to bring about change.

And I remember even now to give Him praise because even in the bitter cold the colors quickly fade into a wintry glistening blanket of white. Change can be beautiful if you choose to see it through His eyes. And even though the change can be oh so painful we also know that.....

In all things God works for the good of those who love Him; who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

We just have to believe, buried deep under the leaves and the snow, always, in the Spring comes bursting forth His new creation!

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