A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Monday, December 5, 2011

Spun In Heaven's Gold

As the evergreen cradles the butterfly, and the trough cradles the Savior.....We usher in the miracle of all miracles. And I wonder how one can not see the miracle wrapped in a chrysalis.....This fuzzy little creature we call a caterpillar takes on this strange state of being, spun in gold until it arrives at it's perfect form or state. Until it's beautiful wings are ready for flight.

And that baby sent down from above, spun in heaven's gold, cradled in His Mama's arms until it's time. He brought with Him a gift.  He could only give this gift after He had arrived in perfect form and spread His arms, stretched across the tree of life. This gift will transform you, if your willing to receive it. If you open it........

And as your being spun with Heaven's gold day after day, He'll open his arms and tell you it's time....It's the perfect time to spread your wings and take flight. And unto him you will fly and you will be made new.

And it takes faith to believe in miracles. But it's the faith of a child, that's all it takes. Even faith as tiny as the smallest of mustard seeds.

Having faith is not what you can see. It goes beyond what you can feel or touch. It's knowing that once you believe you will see the transformation. It's having strength in the hardest of moments and knowing it's not of your own. It's having just the right words at just the right time and knowing you were never that articulate before Him. It's finding out that your test results are life threatening but, through prayer, a miracle takes place.

For you don't see the worm as it changes to a magnificent butterfly until it's already been done. And doesn't this transformation take a life time?.......We will never be perfect this side of heaven.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 
2 Corinthians 5:17

But one day heaven......It's been 20 years since I opened my gift. And some day I will spread my wings and fly way up beyond the tallest of evergreens........

Have you opened His gift? Do you want to stay like the worm, never changing, never growing? Or be transformed like the beautiful Butterfly?

I chose to be spun in Heaven's Gold.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kimmy,

    I am dropping by here from Ann's. You posted next to me in the line up over there and I like to visit a person or two in the community each week.

    The lines in your post that really struck me were these:

    It's having strength in the hardest of moments and knowing it's not of your own. It's having just the right words at just the right time and knowing you were never that articulate before Him.

    Oh, do I know both of these? I am not strong and I am not articulate, but I have been because of Him.

    Thanks for your wonderful words,
