A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Sunday, December 11, 2011

And Wasn't It Just Yesterday?

I've seen the days come and go, fast and slow........but no matter how slow a moment, when it's in the past it takes on speed and becomes a distant memory. I look at my Sweet Butterfly Girl and I wonder where on earth did the time go? Wasn't it just yesterday she always had to have a purse and hat to match?

And wasn't it yesterday when  my Sweet Sunshine was dressed in cowboy boots and pig tails, on a mission to let the world know how beautifully bold and determined she was.

And wasn't it yesterday when little man was stuffing his face with marshmallows and I was nervous cause marshmallows can choke little men. And I'm wondering, has he out grown the "I always want to be your baby." Cause I never hear it any more......But then again I never ask.

Now I have to look up at who was once a little blonde, curly headed, shy little man.......And now he holds me in his arms.
And I'm wondering if I'm the only Mama who looks at her own child and wonders how in the world did we get here, at this moment in time? And did God really let me borrow them this side of heaven? How on earth did all of this happen at the speed of light? I find my self trying so very hard to slow it down but, they are starting to take flight one by one.

Until we come full circle.....And wasn't it just yesterday, I was holding my Daddy's hand. Wasn't it yesterday I was snuggled up close to Mama on the couch? I know it was yesterday my sister and I  were playing under that big ole maple in the back yard.

I watched a dear old friend get baptized today. He has cancer. He accepted the Lord back in May. That's when his family thought it was the end for him. And oh how his story has just begun. He ended up bringing his whole family to church and they have been sitting in front of our family every Sunday now.....And we've grown close...His story has captured my heart. As I sat there and watched his story unfold into another chapter today, watching his daughter follow right behind him in believers baptism......I was filled with tears of JOY.

And I couldn't help but think for him.........'How in the world did we get here, at this moment in time? And did God really let me borrow her this side of heaven? How on earth did all of this happen at the speed of light? I find my self trying so very hard to slow it down but, she has already taken flight'.....

My dear friend may not have much time left here this side of heaven, oh but the time he has been given these last few months have been worth more than all the gold the world could ever offer. And his story doesn't end here. His story continues inside the gates of that Beautiful Crystal City where the streets are paved with gold and the time there has no end.

My dear friend you may not have much time left here this side of heaven.............But God's grace can pick you up and set you in flight.  Your story doesn't have to end here.........

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! Bawling again! Having those thoughts about my beautiful grown up Marlena! And I adore the McNeil's! What a day! I heard Daniel was a hit in Sunday School! Abigail told me he slept through church. We have the sweetest little girl! Morning is going to come too soon :) see you at 7.
