A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Monday, July 5, 2010

What Matters

"I just had my drivers liscence renewed, it will be good for another 8 years." She pauses and then starts again..."I'll be 78 years old........That's a sobering thought isn't it?" I try and grab words as if they are floating right above me. It's strange to me, I said. Strange when you put a number on your life. She has held and rocked all my babies even was there to watch a couple of them come into this world. I don't put in-law after Mother............It doesn't suit her, that's not who she is to me.
I think of all the things she has taught me over the years, all the things she has brought to my life. Does she even realize the difference she has made in me........in everyone. She plays many roles in this family. Faithful wife, Loving Mother, Devoted Grandmother. And she puts her all into everything she does. She rarely says no, I don't believe it's part of her vocabulary. It's probably the most precious role she plays.....the role of His servant. That's her gift, that's what she does better than anyone I know. Without a complaint and all in love.
Her light shines and it's shining brighter with age.
I want her to know that when I look at her I'm not seeing a number. I'm seeing someone who has been there for me for more than half my life. A permanat figure. I want her to know that I adore her and am so very thankful for all she has done for me.....for everyone. And even though the grey is starting to appear a little bit more each year that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what your number is. What matters is all of the time and love you have put in. Your legacy will be a great one, one that will live on long past your time here. What really matters is that I know this life is not the end for you and I. What matters is that there are no numbers in heaven. And I'm looking foward to being with you up there. For we are not suppose to cling to this life we live here on earth.

Those who try to hold on to their lives will give up true life. Those who give up their life for me will hold on to true life. Matthew 10:39
So let the grey come and the numbers go up. What really matters is the True Life we have in Him! And by the way, Thank you.........Thank you for all you have done and all your still going to do. But most of all I thank you for your son!

58. True Life
59. My Mother in-love
60. Sparklers

1 comment:

  1. I love this. :) Thank you for sharing your family with us.
