A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Sun Catcher

Tucked away in the hills of western New York stands an old farm house that's missing a sun catcher.
For years this old beveled glass would catch the rays of the sun as it set in the west. Filling my grandparents dining room with colors of the rainbow, but as time and the years wore on the rays of the setting sun could not penetrate through the years of the hurt and dirt that covered the old beveled glass.
This old window has seen dark times and worked hard to accept the sun through it's prisms to fill the dim corners of that old farm house. And every once in a while you would see a shimmer of hope shine through. That light would give our family the warmth to press on. For the window had accepted the sun all those years ago and you can't put out His light, but you can hide it with dirt and cover it with years of regret and hurt.
Time has a way of changing and moving things in your life. My Grandparents have long since went home to be with the Son. Soaking in His rays of light.
The old sun catcher found it's place in our new home 1200 miles away. It hangs in our dining room filling our home with warmth and love.
For in this home we have accepted the Son and we allow His rays to fill our lives. The sun catcher reminds us to wipe away the dirt and hurt to let the rays of the Son shine through you!

As I was taking pictures of my sun catcher I unexpectedly caught the angel sitting on a shelf on the opposite side. The beveled glass multiplied him. See what the Son can do..................

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