A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Take A Deep Breath

When you wonder in this World ....in this space and time if your really following His lead, just breathe because if it's truly what He wants, then He will open doors and clear the clutter. He will take away all that fills the mind and clear it with clarity.

I was sure I was following His lead. I was sure I was doing what I felt led to do.....

Then life got in the way. Babies they do cry and kids, they do quarrel......Headaches, they will come. Time...there never seems to be enough.

When I wanted to give up and call it quits.......He opened the doors, flung open some windows and blew in some fresh air so that I could breathe again. Littles fell asleep at the same time. I must tell you that rarely happens. My headache has finally went away. He gave me a quiet house and I was able to breathe in clarity.......

When you doubt if your on the right path.......

Take a deep breath and breathe in Clarity. Be aware of how He speaks to you. Never give up. He never gave up on you.

As always I am AMAZED at how He speaks to me.

Through babies sleeping........A quiet home that is always busy 95% of the time, but this time....This time here and now is the 5%...... 5% seems so little but, Oh how He multiplies it and sends it back to you! And He gave it to me so that I can give it back to Him. So Gracious.....So Him.

I am in love with the very ONE who created me for His purpose and not my agenda........

It's peaceful here on this Saturday afternoon and I must leave you now so that I can soak it in for just a little while longer......

Funny how He gives you just what you need just when you need it.....So that I can give those in my life what they need......

May the rest of your weekend be a blessing to you as seek ways to bless HIM.

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