A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sweet Faith Filled Memories

Built by hand and put together with love.... This old hope chest, you will never see another one like it. Made by my Great Aunt and Uncle so many years ago. Together they nailed the boards and painted it red. To hold their hopes and dreams, their memories of yesteryear.
I remember the day she gave it to me.  She was moving into an assisted living home, she was getting on in years and she didn't have enough room for all her things. So she was giving them away, Her precious memories. Her husband Ray had long since passed on before her. It was bitter sweet for her, for us. She gave away so many treasures that day. And with each one came a story where it was from, how she happened upon it. And some came with tears.
I learned a lot that day. I learned that although it's nice to have things passed down from generation to generation, especially if there is a story behind it. It's the memories that mean more, those are what we hang on to. That's what we cherish. And I'll always remember her happy, always with a smile. I miss her, And even though I have her things they don't mean near as much as the time that I spent with her, talking, listening and laughing.

Old family pictures are what fills the hope chest now. And some day I hope to pass it on down with the memories of her. How her smile would light up a room and her sweet voice would calm your soul. That she wasn't afraid of dying, that she talked of how great it would be when she sits in the lap of her Maker. That's what legacy's are made of..........Sweet Faith Filled memories. It's nice to pass down family heirlooms, but it's more precious than Gold to give your time to those you love, that's what they will remember the most. Long after the things of this earth have faded away.

67. Sweet Faith Filled Memories
68. Hope chests painted Red
69. Family heirlooms
70. hopes and dreams
71. Sweet Time

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