A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Timeless pieces of cotton, aged but still rugged. Stitched together, all by ancient hands. Hands I've never met. Although I've heard their story.

The story is bitter sweet, this quilt of many colors....made over 100 years ago, and yet there is not a tare. Every stitch is made with human perfection. Fabrics from vintage dresses, work shirts, and feed sacks. If they could speak.......
Would they speak of life and lessons learned? Days of dancing in the sun and crying in the rain? Would they tell us of hard times and withered hands? The dear old woman who gave me this quilt spoke of hard, happy times and growing up. This family heirloom will be passed down as long as the hundred year old stitches hold it together.

She along with her quilt has for quite some time been silenced. In her last days she spoke more and more about going home to our Lord. This Great Aunt of mine has left not only her quilt, but a legacy. Unlike this old quilt there is another timeless piece that will never be silenced.
It's ageless. The words spill from it's pages speaking as loud as thunder , then ever so gently like a soft rain. Stories written by ancient hands, passed down from generation to generation. Like the quilt, I wrap the words around me and I feel safe and warm.

 In time the quilt will fade and some day tare. It will lose it's warmth. The stories will be no more.

 Yet this one timeless piece will forever be. For the saved and the lost. It's stories have lived on......longer than 100 years. Thousands of years His word has been passed down. They will continue to live on from generation to generation, from heart to heart. This Ageless, Timeless family Heirloom will forever be passed down.
His word speaks LIFE, even after death. The grass withers, and the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8

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