A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Friday, September 4, 2015

In Our Litttle Corner of the World

In my little corner I choose hope......I choose to love even when it seems impossible to love. And when my heart breaks from all the darkness in this world I choose to be a light. That light in which He tells us cannot be hidden. The light that out shines and makes the dark one flee. I choose to be a voice for life and not death. Death has no sting on my saved soul.

I choose to speak truth even when truth no longer makes sense to most. For the message of the wooden cross is foolishness to those with out hope......But to us who are being saved it is the power of Adonai, Our God. And He reigns like a Lion in this heart of mine.

In my little corner I will be that friend you can trust...I will be that friend who has your back even when we don't agree, I will still be your friend. Because I believe there is way too much division in this world and we have lost what has made us one.......I don't care what color you are.....I don't care what you believe to be true......The only way we can get past our past is to look ahead. We are all created by One Creator. Uniquely different, but yet the same. Just as I respect you, can you respect me? I'm not here to force my beliefs upon you....I'm called to share the truth unapologetically......unashamed and with LOVE. That's it, no ties... No strings attatched. You may move on and I will not follow. It's okay.....You are free to choose.

Beloved you have to see that this place is no longer safe.....She is no longer freedom.....She no longer stands strong and defends the weak. But you and I? We can....In our little corner of the world we can stand for Hope. Stand in the gap and help the weak. Speak out for the innocent and breathe LIFE. WE can unite and be LOVE even when we disagree...We can still agree on LOVE. The Great Commission....Surely will not be easy. But it is my/our purpose. That is truly why we are here. It's not about our wardrobe or body. It's not about the nit picky things through out our day. It's so much bigger than you and I, but when we unite just think of the possibilities! It all starts in your corner of the world. Don't give up....Don't call it quits.....Stop saying it's the end. Its not over till it's over! And we know who wins.......There are aching souls out there that still need hope. The time is now!


  1. Amen sweet friend! I refuse to quit! May we always be a light in THIS corner!! You safe a blessing tome! Love you!!❤

    1. Thank you friend, you are a blessing as well. <3

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