A place of encouragement:

Living By Faith, Walking in the Light, Saved By His Amazing Grace

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Use Your Words, Post Your Pictures, Post What is GOOD!

 It's hard to know at times whether to speak or keep silent. It's been quiet here. Not because I don't have anything to say, but rather sometimes words can be too much....Too much of a hindrance. A stumbling block. Deafening to the ears as they slow the healing.

Many times I stay silent for fear my words may sound too proud....too boastful. Dare I say that I'm fearful of sounding too perfect or too fake.

People can take words and miss use them. People can hear words all wrong and misconstrue them. People can take your words and turn your world upside down.

We are living in a world that seems to have lost all rights to any sort of gravity or grounding. And as this earth is spinning out of control where wrong is right and right is wrong I sit here in silence, watching the heartbreak and confusion.

I see post after post of destruction, violence, intolerance, hate, and division.  Post after post of political bashing and finger pointing. We all have opinions on how to get back on track. We all have words to say. We are all passionate......... And most of the time we are all just preaching to the choir....

Yesterday my man and I celebrated 20 years of marriage and I love him more today than I ever thought I could! I'm so very proud to carry his last name.  His heart is etched in mine and I can't imagine not ever meeting this God given man who promised to hold my hand through this life. I've never met any one like him. He keeps me grounded when this life of mine takes flight and God knew I needed him.  He knew I needed a strong man to tame  my crazy thinking and my wild words.

And I share this with you because although I'm always fearful of sounding too proud or too good I believe we need more good! And I must tell you I'm proud of the 20 years and the 1/2 dozen kids we have under our belts.

Can I tell you that I enjoy seeing post after post about love gone right and kids all peanut butter faced.  Can I also tell you that if we all shared all that is good in our lives it would out shine the bad in this world. The darkness has to flee when the light shines in the room.

Now please hear my words right......I'm not telling you to be perfectly fake on FB. What I'm saying is, it's ok to share what makes you proud. It's ok to share what is good. Don't be fearful like I have been in the past because someone might misconstrue your words or take your pictures as being too boastful.

In a world where marriage is not sacred anymore I am proud to be one of the few that have made it to the 20 year mark and not only have we made it in numbers we are still in love....We are still making love.....Yep I said it right here on the internet. We are a married couple doing married couple things! And I am proud!

So it goes with the season.......I am Truly Thankful for the blessing of this graced filled life. And although I'm far from being perfect I know what is GOOD.  I know that we need to see more GOOD, because GOOD is out there and it needs to be shared. Too much of the bad is starting to overwhelm my soul but I haven't lost my JOY or my HOPE..........

And so I challenge you all, my Beloved.....I challenge you to post all that is good.....Messy faced kids, beautifully messed up kitchens, scrumptious pies, family hugging, crayon marked walls, Parents kissing........Share the light! Be Thankful! Use your words and count your Blessings.

And by the way I know how to change the world and it's not my opinion, it's His commandment.....

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I Needed to Put Some Things Behind Me

Deep down inside I'm a recovering perfectionist....Wanting everything just so......Everything to go my way. As a matter a fact my most favorite perfectionist thing to do is PLAN. I enjoy it. Love looking at what is suppose to come next.

But in all reality This sin soaked Mama fails daily. And as much as she tries to plan and get things just so, the more she realizes Perfection is not ever attainable with out the Perfecter. And  I will never be perfect,  but I truly know the One who is.

A clean house was easy to obtain with children number 1 & 2.......Even when 3 & 4 came I still held it together......For the most part.

But then God allowed us to have 5 & 6......And I'm beginning to understand one of the many reasons why.

Because He knew this Mama needed to tuck some things behind her and one of them was her need to be Perfect. Oh I still get extremely frustrated but, I'm too tired at the end of the day to worry about my floor.

I have taken on the label Free Spirit and some days I truly embrace it. Other days I see it as complete and utter failure.

Although I do, most times, take great comfort in just letting it ride I know that there is  a need to get things done, to plan and prepare.

I need to make this clear I'm not a perfectionist in the way you might be. I'm not all about numbers and schedules......My perfection problem was in having a clean and perfect home with perfectly dressed children.....If I could get some pics of my first two children and some pics of our first home and then some pics now, you would see the contrast in both sets of pictures.

Am I okay with the contrast? Yes and no. Like I said I'm recovering........

I'm still learning what comes first. And although My man would like a more consistent job at getting the laundry done, he knows I'm trying.......

I'm learning that life is wrapped in the small gestures......the kisses, the hugs, a warm, home cooked meal, Pouring his glass of tea, Actually listening to the child who is screaming to be heard.....Reading stories and giving heart felt gifts, sharing a smile, a kind word.......Those are the things you and I will want to be remembered for.

If someone were to speak at my funeral the last thing I would want to be remembered for is my perfection problem or that my floor was always clean. Instead I would love to have them say she was always kind, listened when I needed to be heard, hugged often and loved much. Her door was always open even when there were days she thought she couldn't do it, she soon warmed up and fed those around her table. Because Christ loved her first with all of her quirky imperfections. All of her broken pieces, He loved her for who she was and changed her into who she was meant to be.

And that my friends is the reason why I put some of those unimportant feelings of inadequacy away....Is there room to improve?  Absolutely! I'm still trying to get some order to my chaos and some days are really good! Other days need a whole lot of GRACE!

A wise friend once told me in all my rushing around "I didn't come to see your house, I came to see my friend."